Can You Facetune Videos? Yes, You Can

Can you Facetune your videos? Retouch any selfie *video* quickly and easily with Facetune! Smooth skin, whiten teeth, add lipstick, shape brows and more.

Facetune team
min read
facetune video

Can You Facetune Your Videos? Yes, You Can

The short answer? Yeah, there's a way. You might call it a hidden feature, but there’s actually a live camera within Facetune2 that you can use to shoot a selfie video and use your favorite tools right there on the video: Smooth, Whiten, and Details.

You can also tweak the size of your nose, mouth, and height to even out the distortion caused by your camera.

That’s right, a Kylie Jenner pout can be yours — live on video, no Botox required.

What's the Catch?

What you can’t do is "Facetune" a video after the fact, but you can shoot it live. Don’t let that discourage you, though, because Facetune for video is actually our #1 user request and ... we’re listening. If you’re dying for a selfie video editor, we want to hear from you! Shoot us an email here: with Facetune Video in the subject line.

Okay, that’s great, you’re saying, maybe I’ll be in touch — but how can I work with what’s available right now?

Here's Exactly How to Facetune Videos

  1. Open Facetune2. Don’t have it on your phone? Get it here.
  2. Next, tap the camera icon along the top. Now you see your mug live (hey gorgeous, heyyy), and under that, a slider. Underneath that, there’s a set of retouch tools just waiting for you to try them on.
  3. Now, tap any of the tools and adjust their effect by sliding the slider to the right — and watch the magic happen.
  4. Once you have the look you love and you’re ready to record that selfie video (velfie?), hold down the circle button. If all you wanted is a photo, you can tap the circle button just once and take a Facetuned pic — but that’s not why we’re here.

Go Tell Everyone You Know

These days, taking a good selfie is crucial to a smart social media game and now it’s easier than ever to do on video, too. Use the Facetune2 camera as a foolproof “hack” for Facetuning videos for Instagram Stories, or to Facetune TikTok content, or any time you want to talk to your audience and put your best selfie front and center.

Try it once and all your friends will be begging for your secret. And although your answer to “OMG how did you do that?!” is safe with us 🤐, we encourage you to share the wisdom and help all your besties Facetune their videos, too. You still get the cred for discovering how it's done.

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Bring out your best self in your selfies with Facetune
Join a community of 200M+ and discover why Facetune is the world's top selfie editor. Experience the fastest and easiest way to edit with our ultimate one-tap tools, made for every skill level.
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Experts in elevating your selfies and offering the latest beauty, lifestyle, and photo editing tips. Your go-to source for all things Facetune.
Join a community of 200M+ and discover why Facetune is the world's top selfie editor.

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Bring out your best self in your selfies with Facetune
Join a community of 200M+ and discover why Facetune is the world's top selfie editor. Experience the fastest and easiest way to edit with our ultimate one-tap tools, made for every skill level.

Experiment with new looks, shine on social media & never run out of inspiration.
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